Energy Massage
in Western Masschusetts

With Jon Terrell, M.A.

Experience the healing power of a Life Energy Massage. Jon Terrell, M.A. has over 30 years of experience helping people feel more alive, present and free with his hands-on sessions and deep emotional healing retreats.

What Is An Energy Massage?

Jon is a master energy worker who has trained bodyworkers and massage professionals how to experience and express Life Energy in their work with clients.

For 15 years he directed a bodywork training program specifically designed to help those in the healing fields tap into the energy power within themselves and bring it through their hands to support healing in others.

As part of this training students learned a spectrum of life energies (sometimes referred to as Inner Light) from Source within. For more on this approach you can visit this page.

Energy Healing and Massage is the process of channeling these energies through the hands into a client's body for healing and awakening.

What Are Some Of The Benefits?

  • Sense of deep relaxation
  • Relief of chronic tension
  • Opening to a natural sense of flow
  • Feeling balanced and open
  • Letting go of persistent thoughts and uncomfortable feelings
  • Feeling revitalized
  • Releasing of pain

The Life Energy Assessment

At the beginning of your first session with Jon you will receive a thorough Life Energy Assessment.

Jon asks you to stand across the room from him and using his Extended Perception he evaluates your life energy in body, energy centers and energy field.

He discusses with you how well you are grounded and where you life force is flowing and where it is blocked. You will talk about the influence of people in your past that may be affecting you in the present moment.

The energy assessment informs the work you will both do together.

Guided Energy Meditation Experience

The second part of your work together is the  Guided Experience In Life-Energy. Here Jon leads you into the pure Life Energy within yourself. Jon trains you to direct this energy down through your body to begin the cleansing process of clearing out blockages so you can feel relief, healing, cleansing and opening.

The Energy Massage

The third part takes place on the bodywork table. With the Life-Energy flowing in both of you, Jon uses his hands to direct energy into the areas of your body that are in need of clearing. In the first session Jon uses gentle touch, for the most part. In the second session Jon does deeper tissue work, bringing the energy work further in, to help release holding in the nervous system and musculature.  


The fee for an Energy Healing session with Jon Terrell, including the full assessment takes about an hour and 15 minutes and costs $250. Additional sessions are $175. 

Find Out More

We offer our Energy Massage in western Massachusetts at Star Dance Ranch, located in Sunderland, MA

If you would like to schedule, or if you have questions, reach Jon using the form below.

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