Inner Light Healing Retreat
October 10-13, 2024
$995, includes housing and food
Western Massachusetts
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Awaken Your Chakras
Cleanse Body and Mind

A Retreat Led By Jon Terrell, M.A.

Within each of us is a healing source of Radiant Light.

Attend our Inner Light Healing Retreat to learn to experience and express the power of Inner Light for healing and awakening. Learn how to access Inner Light and direct it throughout your body and mind to clear out physical and psychological stuck patterns holding you back. Learn a safe method to awaken your chakras.

And, as a bonus, learn to express the Inner Light as healing energy through your hands to help others.

About Inner Light

When I was six years old, I started a journey into the world of energy healing and "inner light." While playing with a ruler, I looked at the sun's light reflected off its tip and entered an altered state of consciousness.

For more on this and my full biography click here.

This childhood experience led me a life-long adventure exploring the nature of consciousness, spirituality, and healing. 

I studied with many teachers and healers but focused 18 years of my life learning with an extraordinary clairvoyant, Russell Paul Schofield, and his close associates, many of which had clairvoyant talents. He called his work Actualism, and his method Agni Yoga or Inner LightFire.

It teaches that we are brilliant Beings of Light and Love. We are all children of the inner Light.

Using the power of our minds, we can tap into and express that light and love for healing, creative expression, insight, and in every aspect of our lives.


What You Can Learn At The Inner Light Healing Retreat

Learn how to radiate life energy, to glow with Light at all levels of consciousness...physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Awaken more deeply to your Divine Self as a joyous, enlightened Being of Light that is within, throughout and all about your personality creation.

Begin to tap into the full spectrum of gifts and qualities from your limitless source, your big Self. Experience and express your full capacity to know, create, awaken, and heal.

This retreat is an exploration into the Light within each of us. It is an introduction to specific tools and techniques that I learned in training with Russell Paul Schofield and his team. 

As you learn to bring Inner LightFire into your nature and transform your consciousness, you'll also learn specific "Hands of Light" techniques to work with others. The combination of specific energies with these unique and focused techniques allows you to connect with the healer-within yourself and the person you are working on and with to create a deeply healing environment.

At the Inner Light Healing Retreat, you will learn practical energy skills to purify your body, mind, and energy field. You will learn to experience and cleanse energy environments at home, work, and wherever you travel.

You will learn about energy centers (chakras)–their purpose, how to safely purify them, and how to express their unique attributes.

You will learn daily practice techniques to bring the benefit of this retreat into your everyday life. 

Come to this retreat if you want to:

• Learn a step-by-step process to turn within for healing and awakening

• Develop a more profound and powerful connection with your Higher Self 

• Become more centered and grounded in your body

• Open to your unique gifts as a being of light, as a child of inner light.

• Learn "tools of Light" for everyday situations to transform your life

• Begin the process of purifying your energy chakras

• Establish a daily meditation practice

Goddess Statue

Retreat Fees and Registration

The Inner Light Healing Retreat is limited to 10-12 participants. 

The fee for the retreat is $995, including basic lodging and most meals, and written instructions (in pdf form) for you to use at home. A deposit of $300 holds your space. Those driving to the retreat are asked to bring a potluck item for Thursday's dinner.

A list of local motels is available if you snore or prefer more privacy. The motel cost is in addition to the retreat fee.

This retreat starts on Thursday evening at 4 pm and ends on Sunday between noon and 1 pm.

To register, contact Jon using the form below. I will send a link or my address. You may pay the $200 deposit by check, Zelle, Venmo or PayPal.

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Client Comments

"A wonderful journey into the divine light of being! Jon heals by showing us how to heal ourselves. This retreat revealed so much to me! It was a magical celebration of light, fire, and healing energies combined with simple grounding exercises and guided meditation techniques for everyday practice. This experience is for EVERYONE. All you need is a willingness to discover your True Bright Shiny Self!"

Barbara Scholten, Florida

"The light exists in each of us, the question is to know how to catch it. Thank you Jon for giving me that possibility. Your kindness and your knowledge of the light work help me trust myself to find and experience my light. The retreat with the contribution of all the participants gave me the chance to know that it really exist."

Bernadette Lefebvre, Montreal, Canada

"I am so grateful for the beautiful experience of the Healing Light retreats offered by Jon Terrell.  Jon is a Master Teacher of Inner Light-Fire Meditation. 

I have been very fortunate for many years to have Jon as my teacher and guide in learning about the Star and Inner Light-Fire techniques, which have greatly helped me in my life and soul journey.  I have continued to learn from Jon since then, and each time spent with him serves to deepen and expand my meditation practice as well as provide me tools to use in everyday life, in relationships, in work, and spiritual development. 

Jon presents his Light-Fire classes with clarity, wisdom, sensitivity, and gentle humility.  He holds space for the Inner Light to awaken, cleanse, and fill each participant.  Jon is also gifted at creating safe group containers for people to experience deep emotional healing, and the Inner Light tools he teaches can help us continue that healing when we are back in our daily lives. 

I use the Inner Light tools for physical healing, emotional balance, mental clarity, deeper connection with my own nature and with the divine, and with my work as a healer and planetary Light Worker. 

Jon has a way of helping us to awaken to our inner nature and connect with our powerful spirit so that we can fulfill our purpose for being on earth with joy, love, compassion, generosity, and a light heart."

Anne Dolen, Amherst, MA