Addiction and Recovery Retreat
 With Jon Terrell, M.A.

Healing Your Suppressed Emotions

We all long to be free of addictions and shine in our lives.  We want to be fully alive and present in each moment. But too often, we find ourselves avoiding our uncomfortable feelings which leads  addictive patterns--we turn to alcohol and other drugs, food, shopping, tobacco, sex, and other behaviors as a way to avoid those same feelings. 

This retreat is focused on helping people work through the emotions underlying addiction. Many of these feelings have been suppressed since childhood, when we learned to avoid or ease pain through addictive behaviors.

Our addictive behaviors affect all of our deep relationships. We repeat old destructive behavior patterns in new relationships, unconsciously re-creating the conditions we want to avoid.

We end up stuck in the same old unfulfilling story and turn to addictions as a way to temporarily avoid or ease our emotional pain.

It doesn’t have to be that way. 

Our addiction and recovery retreats create a safe environment to help people finally heal their old, painful stories.

The New Story

Our emotional healing retreats focus on helping people to revisit their stuck, suppressed emotions. Finally, we can face what we have avoided. We help people transform these old feelings to find what they have been searching for.

  • We heal the old feelings of grief and loss and begin to reclaim our joy.
  • We work through the feelings causing addiction--anger, resentment, bitterness, etc. and reclaim our passion and aliveness.
  • We turn our fear and anxiety into excitement and inspiration.

Our addiction and recovery retreats are a journey into the transformative power of love. Through specific skill-building activities, we create a loving community and a safe container for deep work. 

Click here to learn more about working with emotions.

Using various techniques, including meditation, ritual, psychodrama and imagery, we connect with deeply held feelings and work them through to the other side.

In Twelve Step language, our addiction and recovery retreat is true “4th Step work.” These retreats are for people who suffer from any type of addiction.

Miraculously, an alchemical transformation takes place. Lead becomes gold. Our dark, stuck feelings come bearing gifts, treasures waiting to be discovered.

Come to this retreat if you want to:

• Free yourself from old, repetitive, and destructive patterns
• Transform anger & pain, release guilt, grief & shame
• Heal past and present relationships
• Build intimacy
• Learn skills to set healthy boundaries
• Discover your true nature as a source of pure love, goodness & wisdom
• Live life more passionately
• Trust your life’s journey

Addiction and Recovery Retreat Details 

Our retreats are not designed for people who are actively drinking or using addictive drugs. They are open to people participating in Twelve Step and other recovery programs.

We have been leading a retreat called Grief, Loss and Difficult Emotions retreat, for about twenty years. At every retreat, people attend because of alcohol and other drugs.

This retreat is offered several times yearly in Massachusetts and sometimes in Florida or California. People come from all over the US and Canada, and occasionally from other countries.

An interview is required to ensure the retreat is appropriate for you. After the interview, a deposit is required to reserve a space. Our retreats are limited to 12 participants.

For more information or questions, contact Jon using the form below.

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